this is inmoral that I as a a college student can?t find a job or get health insurance yet we all pay taxes to finance cruel wars.
I don?t think you pay taxes to finance wars.
Wars are financed only with federal taxes and with borrowed money.
If you are a college student with no job, then it is not likely that you have enough income to have to pay federal income taxes.The taxes that you probably do pay, such as sales tax, are used only for state and local government, and do not finance wars.
You have to take it as a whole:
the government does some bad things the government does some good things.
If you are at a public university the government is probably paying 75% of your tuition (I don?t mean by financial aid, I mean your tuition only covers about 75% of the costs)
If you at a private school ? the government is still usually paying a portion of the cost via grants and other subsides.
Almost all schools offer low cost health care.Why haven?t you taken advantage of it?
Also, most schools do not allow students to attend who do not have health insurance.You are probably breaking the terms of your student contract.
Well, clearly, you don?t have money for health insurance, because you don?t have a job.You, personally, are ALSO not paying any taxes to finance wars.
Coincidentally, you can?t afford rent, or a mortgage, or utilities, or food, if you?re unemployed.
Your problem, is that you?re mooching off your folks, and whining about OTHER people not giving you stuff!!Entitled much?
Cobra should be extended indefinately to the unemployed if only at the employer cost. No one loses out, the unemployed pays the premium (no loss on former employer)and the insurance company will still get a premium. The only reason this won?t fly is that the greedy insurance companies won?t get the larger premium we unemployed have to pay since Cobra ran out.
No matter what you do you?d finance a war but the fact that you think that the iraq war was cruel means you don?t understand that that part of the world fosters an all consuming hatred of america simply because we aren?t like them, probably means your dumb have fun with life goodnight.
Wait till you are 60 years old and have no health insurance or a job. We have elected representatives who can decide if government funds should go toward your health insurance or wars and I think they have decided war is more profitable.
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